Teeth Grinding Teeth grinding, which is also referred to as bruxism, refers to the clenching of the teeth together tightly or rubbing them against each other. Many people grind their teeth from time to time, but for some, the severity is such that their oral health could be harmed. Teeth grinding can happen during the day, but it can also... read more »
If you have never worn dentures before, you should expect a period of adjustment. This is particularly true if you have been living with missing teeth for some time. If you have been compensating for lost teeth when you have been eating or speaking, the presence of dentures in your mouth, as well as full smile may take you by... read more »
To keep your smile safe from tooth decay and gum disease, you will want to practice good oral habits. At Complete Dental of Suwanee in Suwanee, Georgia, we advise developing strong oral habits to achieve a healthy smile. This means eating a low-sugar, low-starch diet, brushing twice each day and flossing once, as well as seeing your dentist for bi-annual... read more »
Here at Complete Dental of Suwanee, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these... read more »